A daily diet

Is your diet healthy? (a group work)

1. The most common food(2-3 items)

2. The less common food (1-2 items)

3. How many calories are there in average?

4.What processed products do you consume? How often?

5. Do you consume fizzy drinks? (proportion)

6. Do you have breakfast?

7. Do you consume home-made or ready –to- cook food?

According to the compared information we’ve come to the conclusion that………(answer the main question) because the most common food…….…….. (1-2 questions). (quantity) ........ calories, we suppose, are enough/not enough for an average teenager. The proportion of processed food is ……… There are a lot of/ few/no fizzy drinks in our daily diet. We often/seldom/never have breakfast. We consume (7.) mostly. In our daily diet there are/aren’t enough nutrients because…….
 (think about vegetables/meat/ dairy products/grains - examples). The healthiest person in our group is…… because..

Find information in different resources.
1. How many calories should consume an average teenager?
2. Does it differ for boys and girls? How?
3. What should your daily diet consist of? (proportion of vedetables/dairy products/meat/grains)
4. How do bad eating habits affect your body?
Now about you
1. How many calories do you consume every day? Is it enough?
2. What is your daily diet consist of?
3.  Does your body suffer from the lack of calories/ nutrients/vitamins?
4. How many meals do you have every day?

5.Make up healthy diet for a day.

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